Friday, October 12, 2012

File Folder Game - Who's House? - Farm

I thought I would share some file folder games I made for the fall with you.

Part One:

The children in my class have been playing with the farm animal puppets recently so I wanted to make a game with that kind of theme. This doesn’t really follow the fall theme that we have for the month (Yes the center I work at is still theme based. It is a system that I am constantly fighting with! Lucky for me I am able to make broad themes, I can justify almost anything, and my boss doesn’t care if I stray a little bit.)  but I figured if pressed I could do a fall- harvest- farm thing! Anyway . . . This game asks the kids to figure out where each animal lives on the farm. However because it is basically a farm scene and I just put it on the table and let the kids go I find them using it to act out scenes with the animals, making animal noises, and learning new words and facts. They do use it as I intended but as usual they take it further than I thought!

Here is what the finished product looked like. . .

Here are the templates I used . . .

I should note that my preferred way to make file folder games is to print out black and white images and colour them in with markers. This is just because I am picky about colouring and I find that when I print off colours the tones and shades are all different. All my pictures come from Google!       

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